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Putting the pieces together from a Functional Medicine perspective.

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The Autoimmune Answer.

Feb 26, 2017

Brain fog is a common symptom suffered by many people each day.  In this episode, we will dive into 5 common causes of brain fog.  These causes may show up individually or in combination.  How many are contributing to your brain fog?

Is Your Anxiety Due to Poor Balance?

Feb 23, 2017

The cerebellum (the area at the back of the brain) is best known for its role in balance and coordination. However, the cerebellum does more than that — when it starts to malfunction, the results can be not only worsened balance, but also anxiety, insomnia, and hyper sensitivity.

The cerebellum is a primary...

Beating Acid Reflux Naturally

Feb 22, 2017

Do you suffer from acid reflux, indigestion, slow gut transit time, or feeling like there’s a brick in your stomach after eating? Or perhaps you’re on a restricted diet for a chronic health condition but still react to an ever shrinking list of foods. If so, you need to work on restoring digestion.

Many factors...

Functional Neurology vs. Conventional Neurology

Feb 13, 2017

How does functional neurology differ from conventional neurology? Conventional neurology diagnoses neurological disorders that can be treated with pharmaceutical or surgery. Functional neurology, on the other hand, identifies a broader range of brain disorders and restores function through rehabilitation that...

Eat Real Food to Beat Chronic Illness

Feb 11, 2017

When you’re starting on a new health journey, knowing what to eat can seem confusing. For starters, there is a ton of conflicting advice out there, with proponents of each diet insisting their diet is the healthiest.

The truth is, the best diet depends on which one works best for you. Factors that depends on include...